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Portable version
Some pople have asked for portable versions so i decided to drop a line here.
Well to all that expect official portable version i’d like to say we DON’T supply portable versions officially or unofficialy!
The reason for this is because Better Explorer is designed to work WITH the installer. Installer sets some things in registry as well as it copies some files at specific places (not in app install directory).
So usung it without first to be installed by installer can lead to not working features or bugs due to missing settings and files.
Ofcource everybody is free to try to use it portable by just install it first and then copy the files from install directory, however i must note that we DON’T support such an installations.
Another option is to download the source and build it on your maschine.In that case we do support it as far as we supply guidelines how to build it or with correct build if there is any problems.